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The following is taken directly from the
2018 Roberts Code
Pages 83 and 84

(2) Petitions for Consolidating.
Lodge meeting the requirements of paragraph (1) above and still desiring to consolidate into another lodge shall proceed as follows:
(a) a Lodge may not reduce its funds, without prior approval of Grand Lodge, after a letter of intent to Consolidate is sent either to Grand Lodge or Rebekah Assembly.
(b) both the lodge seeking consolidation and the lodge into which it desires to consolidate shall each, for itself, petition the Grand Lodge, or Grand Master if such petition is filed during the adjournment of the Grand Lodge and before the first day of April.
(c) the petitions of each lodge praying for consolidation shall contain the following:
(i) affirmation that a written resolution regarding the proposed consolidation was read at each meeting of the Lodge for one month prior to the vote on consolidation with the date of said vote having been fixed in the resolution; a copy of the resolution and a statement specifying the date and the number of lodge members present at each meeting shall accompany the petition;
(ii) affirmation that notice of such resolution and date of the vote had been sent to all members of the lodge as provided for any change in the by- laws, immediately after the first reading; a copy of the notice shall accompany the petition;
(iii) affirmation from the consolidating lodge that three-fourths or more of the members present voted in favor of such consolidation, but in no case did five or more vote against;
(iv) affirmation from the receiving lodge that three-fourths or more of the members present voted in favor of such consolidation;
(v) a statement of which lodge the petitioning lodges will be consolidated into;


(vi) the proposed name of the consolidated lodge;
(vii) the date the proposed consolidation shall take effect.(d) upon receipt of the petitions for consolidation, the Grand Secretary shall notify the chairman of the Grand Lodge Auditing Committee, who shall arrange for an audit of the books of the petitioning lodges.
(e) if a lodge that wishes to consolidate is incorporated it must dispose its incorporation prior to consolidation.
(3) May Grant. Upon receipt of the Audit Committee report the Grand Lodge, or the Grand Master with the advice of the Grand Lodge Board of Directors during the adjournment of the Grand Lodge, may grant or refuse the consolidation. If the consolidation is granted during the adjournment of the Grand Lodge, it shall be conditional upon approval of the Grand Lodge at the next annual session. If approved the Grand Master shall issue a warrant to that effect, attested by the Grand Secretary, under seal of Grand Lodge.
(4) Consolidation Effected. The consolidation, shall take place on the date fixed by the petitions unless otherwise determined by the grand Lodge or Grand Master.
(5) Members of Consolidated Lodge. A lodge receiving another lodge by consolidation shall assimilate the entire membership of such consolidated lodge into its membership as if each member had gained membership by initiation.
(6) Restoration of Charter. Members of the consolidating lodge may, within three years of consolidation, petition the Grand Lodge for restoration of the charter of the consolidating lodge. The Judiciary Committee of the Grand Lodge shall interview the petitioners and report its findings to the Grand Lodge at its annual session. If the report is favorable, the Judiciary Committee shall also include the names of petitioners to which the charter may be restored. If approved by the Grand Lodge during the annual Grand Lodge session the original books, records and seal of the reactivated lodge shall be returned; however, all other property brought into a consolidation may be retained by the receiving lodge.

Each Lodge MUST fill out and submit
both the
"Petition to Consolidate" 
and the
"Resolution and Action" forms
to the Grand Lodge Office